Household chores can be tough to stay on top of, but if everyone helps it can be easier. Letting go of some of the control can help teach our kids responsibility. I have spent a lot of time thinking about how to help our kids learn different types of responsibility. We have played around with different types of chores or jobs for the last two years but haven't always been consistent. I reached out on social media and the response was amazing! I am so excited about how many people I know have their kids doing chores. I realize that this valuable info needed to be shared with you! I have collected all the chores and divided them up by age! If you have others to add please send them to me. I think it is so great that as a community we can support each other.
Age 0-3
- clean up toys
- help feed pets
- put away silverware
Age 3-5
- can include anything in previous categories plus:
- put away clothes
- make bed
- take out recycling and garbage
- set table
- empty backpack and lunch pack
Age 5-7
- can include anything in previous categories plus:
- vacuum
- clean out car
- help make dinner
- walk and clean pets
- clean the kid's bathroom
Age 7-9
- can include anything in previous categories plus:
- water plants
- get mail
- help prepare dinner
- wash floors
- empty dishwasher
Age 9+
- can include anything in previous categories plus:
- help do laundry
- make lunch
- mow the lawn
- yardwork
- dust
- clean windows
These lists are simple and straightforward to encourage your kids and not overwhelm them. In addition to all of these chores, I have a few other tips to help us all stay on track.
1. Purchase a small whiteboard for each child from the dollar store to be able to track their process.
2. Be an example...if you want them to make their bed then you should be too. When we explain to our kids that their chores or jobs are part of their family responsibility that means us too!
3. Be flexible as your children grow. Reevaluate the jobs that they are doing and adjust as needed, especially if their activity level or homework level has changed. We are trying to teach responsibility not to add extra stress.
4. Remember to encourage them and allow them time to learn how to do the job. If they don't do it perfectly try to fix it for them...they are helping and it is important to praise that.
I hope that these tips have helped you think about how to integrate or adjust your children's chores. I would love to keep the conversation going...share with me on Instagram @mountainmamawellness